Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gettin to old for this ...

I am getting to old for this shit. It is a phrase I say about every 3 months or so. The hubby and I, faced with a child free evening, stock up on a few good bottles of wine. Or cheap wine that was on sale like we did Friday night. Then we drink ourselves silly and rattle the walls a little bit. But every once in a while I drink waaaaaaaaaay to much and end up sick as a dog. I did it ... again ... on Friday night. I just had WAY to much wine and now I feel like shit. I spent all night at work nursing a headache and a pissed off belly. My stomach still isn't quit right. I am tired but can't sleep for poo. Hence the reason I am writing this blog at 4:30 in the morning. UGH! I can't believe I still feel like crap. I can't believe I drank that much. I am old enough to know better. And definatly to old for this drinkin till I puke shit. Ok I didn't puke but GOD did I feel like it all night and day and night and now and BLAH! I just wanna feel better! I swear I have learned my lesson this time! LOL

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