Wednesday, July 29, 2009

RE Consultation

I had my consultation with our RE this afternoon. I have good and bad news. But at least now we have a game plan.

She did a very in depth physical examination. I swear she was swimming around in there! LOL I have only one vagina and one cervix. I kinda already knew the vagina thing. LOL But she said she was only able to find one cervix, at least externally. She has gone back to agreeing with my OB from when I had my son. It appears that my uterus is heart shaped. Two lobes but not two separate uteri like she thought. So although I am still a little oddly shaped, I am not doubled up as far as she can see.

The cyst on my left ovary is gone. I did have 4 follicles on my left ovary. But they were there last time and have not grown much in the last 3 weeks. So for right now there is nothing to get excited about. But the two cysts on my right ovary are still there. They have not gotten any larger but they have not gotten any smaller either. She gave me three options.

1. Wait it out for 8 weeks and see what happens.
2. Take birth control pills for 8 weeks and see if the cysts go away.
3. Surgery to remove the cysts.

If options one and two did not end in the cysts dissolving on their own I would have to have surgery to remove them. I decided not to wait 8 more weeks to see what happens. She does not think the first two options would do anything but didn't want to push me into surgery. It was completely my choice. And my hubby's of course. After 3 years of TTC I have lost all sense of patience to wait two more months in HOPES of things getting better. Especially if it would end in me having surgery anyway.

Sooooooooo on Monday morning (August 3) I will be going in for laparoscopy surgery. She will remove the two cysts on my right ovary. Also while she is in there she will take a look around at the anatomy of my uterus. We will find out once and for all what the heck is going on with my uterus! WOOHOO! Thankfully my mother has the day off. She will be able to drop me off, pick me up and watch Bryan for the surgery. I got a coworker to cover my shifts at work next week so I can rest and heal.

While I am not happy that the cysts are still there I am happy that we have a game plan. I am nervous about surgery since I have never been under general anesthesia before. But I look forward to getting rid of the cysts and getting a look at my uterus. She said she will be taking pictures so that I can see what was what in there. I am kind of excited for that! So fingers crossed that all will go well and safely. Hopefully soon we will be back on the fertility treatment road and closer to a healthy baby!

1 comment:

CrazyMom said...

{{HUGS}} Amy I hope the surgery does the trick for you!! Good luck tomorrow!

As for as the General Anasthesia (sp?) goes it's not too bad. When I had my knee worked on a couple of years ago I woke up fairly quickly and was very alert pretty quick (I was actually on my cell phone while DH was driving me home.. LOL). Only drawback is that I puked up my snack about half an hour later :( but that was it. That was the second time I'd done GA too. It sucks being knocked out completely but it will go soooo quick for you- 45 minutes turns to 45 seconds. ;) And looking at those pics is so fascinating!