Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ultrasound # 2

I had my second ultrasound this morning. I have no idea what I am looking at so I am just guessing at this point. I have a consult at 2:30pm with our RE. I will find out then what exactly they saw and what is going on and what is going to happen. I will let you guys know more when I know more.

I am pretty sure the cyst on my right ovary is bigger then it was. I don't know for sure yet. But it looked pretty big to me. When she looked at my left ovary I thought I saw 4 small black circles. I don't know if I have more cysts on the left ovary now or if those were follicles. I took an OPK when I got back from the appointment and there are 2 lines. It is still a negative. But there are 2 lines again. So who knows. Maybe those are follies. I can hope right? I guess I will find out in a couple of hours. I think I thought I might have maybe seen 2 cervix. I am not sure. And I am pretty sure there was SOMETHING going on with my uterus ... 2 uteri ... I hate waiting! 2 more hours and I will be back at the RE office to get these answers.

It sucked getting off the elevator today. 5 of us piled out of the elevator. 4 ladies took a right and headed towards obstetrics. Just sad little old me wandered to the left towards the fertility clinic. That really sucked. I choked back a sob. Managed to regain my composure quickly and headed to the desk. *sigh*

But the good news is I didn't wander around the room with no pants on this time! I remembered to take the sheet with me and cover up. However I did forget to flush the toilet after I emptied my bladder before the ultrasound. So she asked me if I had gone. I felt like a dork again! She probably thought I didn't wash my hands either. ICK! It's always something! HA HA HA

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