Saturday, July 25, 2009

I get the feeling it will not be good news ...

I know I shouldn't get worried. I know I should wait until my ultrasound on Wednesday. But I have a bad feeling that the news is not going to be good. I had been using OPK and my FM in hopes of my cyst going away on it's own. I bought a new saliva scope. I lost my old one. Of course I did ... why would I be able to find it when I want it again. So I switched to using just the scope. I figured if I started to see any ferning I would start the OPK and FM again. Well just for fun today I decided to POAS and see what came up. The OPK was a blaring negative. I had started to get a second line a while ago. But there was definitely only one line today. The test stick for my FM had also started to get a light second line. The one line, which I am pretty sure measures your estrogen, was dark before. But today it was DARK. I have never seen that line that dark. Even when I used one when I was pregnant. Ya I took one for fun when I was pg. It actually told me I was pregnant before an actual HPT did! So anyway it is scary dark. Which I am sure means that my estrogen is WAY high. Which most likely means the cyst has only gotten worse. *sigh* Nothing seems to want to go right anymore! And yes I did actually take an HPT and it was very much negative. This just plain old sucks. Oh and I have a question for anyone who might know. Does elevated estrogen make you dizzy? I have been having dizzy spells since last night. They are getting annoying. Better check my BP and BS and make sure those are both OK too. Gotta find out what is causing the dizzy spells so I can make them go away. Before I fall over. LOL

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