Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I can't believe I missed it!

I was waiting for the phone call from my RE doctor or a nurse about my test results. I waited patiently all day long. Right before 5pm she finally called. Unfortunately my phone never actually rang! It beeped to let me know I had a voice mail. But that was it. Grrrrr! I called her back as soon as I knew that she had called. Which was probably all of 5:01 when I called. But they had already turned off the phones and it went straight to the voice message. So I was unable to call her back and get my test results. I was uber ticked off and very frustrated. I feel better now. I will have to call in the morning when they open. But who knows if some one will call me back right away or if I have to wait until almost 5pm again. AND what if my phone doesn't work right again. UGH!

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