Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Surgery Update

I had surgery on Monday. I am home now and trying to get as much rest as possible. Which is pretty easy considering the Vicodin makes me pretty darn sleepy. The hard part is getting myself up to use the bathroom and forcing myself to eat and drink. My throat hurts and I have no appetite at all. But I have been trying my best to get a little something into me when I take the Vicodin so I don't get sick and puke the meds back up. That would be a sad day. OK so here is how everything happened.

I checked into the clinic at 6am Monday morning. They took me up to a room and I got changed. The nurse came in and asked me hundreds of questions and took all of my vital signs before sending me to pre-op. Where they did everything the first nurse did all over again. HA HA HA At least they are consistent.

The anesthesiologists came and talked to me about what was going to happen and then got me hooked up to an IV. She poked both hands before getting it into my left hand. That hurt so bad. She couldn't numb my hands first because it would make my veins even more difficult to find and she had to poke around to get it in right. So that really stunk.

I was first in line so they rolled me into the operating room and got me all set up. I remember looking at the ceiling and it started to ... vibrate ... that's the best word I have for it. Then I fell asleep.

Next thing I remember was being in recovery moaning and groaning because I was in pain and I felt like puking. They gave me 2 different drugs but I still threw up. Well dry heaved since I didn't have anything in my stomach. It was weird to be aware of my surroundings but not having the energy to even open my eyes. An alarm kept going off saying my oxygen level was getting low. I just kept staring at the blinking orange lights thinking WTH? I am awake and breathing so why is my O2 at 75??? I spent a lot of time in recovery before they sent me back to my room.

I got back to my room around noon. They monitored my O2 level every half hour and as long as it stayed in the 90s range they turned the oxygen down and finally off. I was still very nauseous and couldn't eat so that I could take the pain med. So they gave me a third medicine and that finally worked. But it made me very sleepy which made it difficult to do anything but sleep. I managed to get down some jello and a pepsi before falling asleep. I snoozed off and on until they moved me to another floor around 2pm. I was able to get up and pee finally. The nurse took me for a little stroll around the floor to prove I could walk before going home. I got a little to excited to be out of bed and moving and almost tripped over my own feet. We both laughed and he reminded me to SLOW DOWN. It was not a race around the desk and falling was not going to get me out of there any faster. LOL We went back to my room and my mom and I WAITED FOREVER for a dr to come in and tell me about the surgery and give me the ok to go home. I finally buzzed the nurse and told them I wanted to go home NOW. I didn't care who came in to talk to me.

My dr was still busy but her colleague who was also in the operating room during my surgery came to talk to me. I had never met him before ... at least not to my knowledge anyway .... but he was very nice. He said I had trouble breathing during the surgery and had to be nebbed. I was given an inhaler to use if I needed it at home. He gave me copies of the pictures they took during surgery. I got to see my ovaries and the cysts and my uterus. I thought that was super cool. He said they were able to get both of the cysts out with no damage to the ovary. He showed me the picture of my left normal sized ovary and then the right ovary with the cysts. It was like a top view looking down and it was crazy how much bigger the right ovary looked with those cysts attached. No wonder I had been feeling bloated and achy on that side. He said the cysts had made my right ovary the same size as my uterus!!! CRAZY! There was an adhesion from my c-section. They took care of that while they were in there.

He said my uterus is heart shaped. There are 2 lobes on the top of my uterus. The right lobe is fine but the left lobe is underdeveloped. Which explains why Bryan was stuck in the right side and was breech and was unable to get turned head down. He says it will have no effect on me getting pregnant. My tubes are clear and functioning. Everything looks "hooked up" properly. I find it funny that a doctor said "hooked up" too. LOL Anyway he said a pregnancy will never be able to develop in the left lobe. So when ever I am pregnant they baby will always lean to my right lobe where there is room to grow. If the baby is head down by the time they get "stuck" on the right side then I will be able to try for a VBAC. How ever if another baby gets stuck head up like Bryan did I will have to have a c-section again. There is no way the baby can be turned around with out rupturing my uterus and I am not willing to try and deliver breech and they don't want me to either.

So nothing to weird. I don't have an extra uterus or cervix in there. A little deformed but I will still be able to carry another child to term no problem. Everything has been cleared out and cleaned up. So the next round of Clomid should be a lot more successful then this last one. LOL I go back in 4 weeks for a check up to make sure I have healed well and everything is back on track. The nurse told me nothing in the vagina for 48 hours. I told her the way I was feeling unfortunately for my husband that will NOT be a problem. The nurse and my mother both laughed pretty hard. LOL

I can shower later today if I want be I am holding off until tomorrow. I am to sleepy to stay awake long enough to get a good shower in right now. LOL My throat is killing me! It is swollen and sore and I swear it still tastes like plastic in my mouth! Stupid breathing tube! LOL My entire body aches. I am surprised by that. I can't believe how sore and stiff EVERYTHING is. It's Bryan's birthday and I feel bad he has to help take care of his mommy. But he doesn't seem to mind. I told him we could order some pizza and have birthday cake but I don't feel up to going anywhere. He was happy as long as he could have pizza. HA HA HA I am glad he is so easy to please. OK I am exhausted and the vicodin is kicking in again. So I am going to go prop myself up with pillows and go back to sleep. Thanks to every one for all the well wishes. I appreciate them a lot.


Chantelle said...

Glad that you're home and on the road to recovery!! I hope that this takes care of everything and that you are pregnant very very soon!! :)

MrsSoersdal said...

So glad to hear your surgery went well and they got that ovary all cleaned up! Nothing stopping you next month!

CrazyMom said...

Glad the surgery went well and you are recovering well. Take it easy- let your DH wait on you and milk it! ;)