Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I was right!

AF showed while I was at work! WOOT WOOT! Ya I know it is weird to hear me woohooing over getting my period. But like I said it means I get to start a fresh round of Clomid. And after my "spring cleaning" we have a real chance at making a baby this cycle. Hopefully a healthy happy full term baby. I try not to think about the heartbreak of miscarriage during all this fertility treatment stuff. I just think it would be to much. To scary. It is always with me. But I am trying not to focus on it to much.
ANYWAY I discovered that I could reorder the Clomid online. So I ordered it and will pick it up from Walmart on Wednesday. Then Thursday LOOK OUT! HERE WE GO AGAIN! Last time I took this med it lead to an all out Facebook brawl. I might kinda sorta need to stay away from all that this time around. But that is kind of hard to do with my fancy shmacny new Blackberry. Oh well! LOL
So fingers crossed that every thing goes smoothly this cycle and the "spring cleaning" + fertility drugs = me all good and knocked up!

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