Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I guess they were telling the truth.

Several people told me that almost exactly a week after surgery they felt better. It was just like POOF and they felt normal. After all the fatigue and nausea and pain I didn't think it was possible. How could I feel better in just a week? When I woke up Monday morning I was sure they were liars. I felt horrid! I was tired and my poor tummy was in so much pain I wanted to cry. I took some Advil and did my best to drag through the day. Ethan insisted on McDonald's and insisted even more that I go pick it up. I was on my way home when it happened. I started dancing and singing along to the song on my stereo. By the time I got home I was grooving pretty hard to the music. Ethan laughed hysterically at me as I danced around the kitchen singing Guns N Roses Sweet Child O Mine. He said "Well you MUST be feeling better!" There it was. POOF and I felt better. I didn't even notice that it had happened until Ethan said it out loud. I felt better. I wasn't uber tired and I wasn't in pain. I felt pretty dang good. It's crazy how that happens! I am still a tiny bit sore in the belly button area. And I do still get tired more easily then what is normal for me. But for the most part I feel pretty normal. I am still on lifting restrictions until the end of the month. But at least now I don't fear picking things up. I even feel a hair weird standing around at work while others lift things ... and people ... for me. Anyway I guess they were telling the truth. And boy howdy am I glad they were!

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