Friday, June 26, 2009

Run Free!!!

So this morning I took down one of the panels on the chicken fence. A few of the chicks/ducklings had figured out how to get up and over and out yesterday but were unable to figure out how to get back in. I was able to herd them into the barn with the big chickens last night but not back into the chicken coop. So I decided it was time to set the little buggers free. Let them explore. I am sure they are pretty well homesteaded by now and will know where to come back to at night. Well the ducks took off for the pasture and barely looked back. The chicks how ever came out a few feet. Then they ran back in. Then they came back out and came across the driveway where I was sitting in a chair watching them. Then they went back in. Then they came back out and all 6 chicks stood at my feet looking up at me like "Now what?". HA HA HA Sorry boys and girls you are on your own. The ducks are back. I just heard their laughing ... I mean quacking outside the window. Why does it sound like they are laughing at me when they quack? Here are a few pics so you can see how big they have all gotten.

A couple before and after shots.



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