Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lottery? You have got to be ....

I got the letter in the mail from the school Bryan applied to for next year. He did not get in. Apparently they had more applications then spots. So they did a lottery to choose who could get in. WTF? So instead of basing it on who did the best and scored the best they instead just picked names at random. That's bull shit! It just seems totally unfair to me. Work hard and do well ... but don't try to hard cause it doesn't really mean jack and shit. Great ... thanks for teaching my son that little life lesson ... jerks. So he is on the waiting list to get in. He is 2nd in line for a spot. So I am hoping a LOT that 2 kids bail out before fall and he gets in. Fingers crossed!


CrazyMom said...

Ugh. That just sucks!! Goes to show ya when school admins don't want to make a decision, they don't- they just cop out instead! argh!

Hope a seat opens up for Bryan.

Chantelle said...

I'm so sorry! I hope that he still gets in!!!