Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New Hope

I have some renewed hope again. I made the call yesterday to the fertility clinic. I have been scared to do it for 2 years now. I just kept hoping that I would "POOF" and become pregnant. That some how egg would meet sperm and settle in for a 9 month nap and I would not have to call in the doctors. But sadly that has not happened. So I sucked it up and finally called the appointment desk. The woman on the phone was wonderful and kind and patient with all of my questions. I hope this is just a small glimpse at what will be a wonderful clinic. We have our consultation on May 20th. We just go in, give the doc all our info, past test results, my BBT charts and chit chat about what might be wrong and what tests are needed still and what he will be able to do for us. I am so excited and can not wait. I just hope that I get a doctor who does not make my weight an issue. Or worse make my weight the only issue in his/her mind. I am working hard to lose weight and doing well. 15 pounds lost and like 8 billion left to go. But I am trying and getting results. So I can't complain. And hopefully the doctor won't either. Wish us luck!

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