Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Piggie Flu!!!

Ahhhhh! Tonight on the news, while I was at work, I noticed my son's school was on the news! Apparently there has been confirmed cases of the H1N1 virus! There have been tons of kids who are home sick. The piggie flu is running wild in my child's school. Oh just flippin great.

I have been sick for about a week now. Just a cold. Nothing serious. But unlike SOME people I work with I can not just call in sick. I actually have to find some one to cover my shift before I can stay home sick. Must be nice to be so pampered and favored by the boss lady to never have to cover your shift. ANYWAY I was sick all weekend. I just had to suck it up and suck down the Dayquil. BLAH! I feel mostly better now. A little sniffly still and coughing. But MUCH better then I was over the weekend.

Ethan complained about feeling ill but after a good nights sleep he says he is feeling better. Must also be nice to "get a good nights sleep" and suddenly feel better. UGH! But he said that Bryan had the sniffles. Geez! I am hoping and praying a lot that the sniffles are just the watered down version of what I have. Bryan has always been a healthy kid and fights off nasty bugs much better then I do. Plus since he knocked off his fingernail I have been making sure he takes his vitamin every single morning. So hopefully he will not and is not horribly sick.

So I broke out the cans of Lysol. I have sprayed every thing down. Probably to a fault. I have always had bottles of hand sanitizer around the house. Hand washing and hand sanitizer will be a MUST this flu season. I have a lot more deep cleaning that needs to be done. Break out the bleach!!! I have a small hand sanitizer bottle attached to my belt loop. I put one on his backpack. Hopefully he uses it and stays healthy.

I am going to go take my multi vitamin and try and get some sleep. If I can get the buggies off my brain. I have school in the morning. And to think I thought MY school was the one to worry about ...

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

The swine flu really worries me too. Emma has hand sanitizer on her backpack, and we also put one in her lunchbox. I mark it with a marker so that I can see that she's actually using it. They use hand sanitizer at school too.
Today we got a voice mail from the school that they are doing flu shots at school this year. That's when you know it's a big deal :( I was worried, but a lot more now that I heard that.