Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hot flashes suck!

Have I mentioned that hot flashes suck? Cause they really really do! A notorious side effect of the Clomid, hot flashes have been making my life miserable all weekend. I am sick so that doesn't help. I have found it interesting how some side effects have become less frequent the more I use the Clomid while others have become more frequent. My moods have been rather stable this time around. Except for Friday night when I almost jumped over the table and strangled my husband's friend. Every time he got louder I just got louder then him. LOL OK I know not very mature of me. Especially not in public. But not overly strange in a bar over a few drinks either. Other then that one out burst I really have not felt overly emotional. The hot flashes are a totally different story how ever. I have been hot flashin up and down this town all weekend long. Friday night Ethan asked me to turn the fan off. Instead of off I turned it to high and then aimed it at the couch where I promptly plopped down and spread out as much as possible. I was hot and sweating like a crazy woman. Maybe 30 minutes later I was freezing and turning the fan off. I can't help it! I am a little crazy these days. Infertility and treatment for infertility will do that to you I guess! HA HA HA

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