After years of complaining and begging and at the risk of ruining Ethan's CIA job, we finally got a family picture done for Christmas cards!!! I have been wanting a picture of me, the hubby and the boy to make Christmas cards from for years and I really wanted to do it even more after I got married. But it always seems like schedules never matched up and the picture was never taken in time. We finally got it done tonight! WOOHOO! I could not be more happy! So first of all here is the picture of Ethan, Bryan and me. I chose to take it in front of the barn in our yard. I wanted a family farm kinda feel. I think it looks very nice.

There it is boys and girls! The family picture I have been begging for! Looks pretty good to me! LOL

And here is the picture of my side of the family. My sister and brother inlaw are on the left side. My mom is in the middle with my son in front of her. And of course me and my hubby on the right side of the photo. I enjoy this photo a lot too.
Just for fun I thought I would add a few pics of the dogs too.

Sonny in the reindeer antlers. He looks so thrilled doesn't he? LOL

Coco in her Mrs. Claus collar. So pretty!

This is what I like to call my ReinBo. he he he
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