We started out the year great! The hubby and I were expecting our first child together!
All that hard work and heartache had finally paid off. We were going to have a baby. We told everybody we could. We waited in anticipation of this wonderful new life. The boy looked forward to becoming a big brother for the first time on his mother's side. My heart just knew it was a girl and soon I would not feel so out numbered.
Sadly our baby became an angel on January 13, 2008.
Our hearts were broken. This baby that meant everything to us was leaving and there was nothing we could do. No matter how much we cried and no matter how much our baby was wanted here, she went back home to God.
The weeks after losing our baby were probably some of the darkest in my life. We had lost everything that we had fought so hard for. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I didn't feel like I had the right to those things because I couldn't keep our baby alive.
But there is always a silver lining to every dark cloud. I found my strength in the wonderful women on message boards about miscarriage. While I ached for their shared pain, I was soothed by the fact that I was not alone. That I was not the odd man out. That there was always hope.
I am a miscarriage survivor.
I will never surrender.
And God willing, in 2009 I will be proudly wearing this blinkie on my message boards.
And of course this one.
There has been plenty good things. The boy had his last first. Yes that is right ... the boy is getting old. But not me ... nope ... I am still young ... he he he ... 29 forever! The boy had his last first day of elementary school.
Next year he will be in middle school ... and I will be the mother of a way to old kid. AHHHHH!
The hubby and I had our 10 year high school reunion. See I am not THAT old. It was only my 10 year reunion.
It was great to see old friends who we haven't seen in years. And the ones we see all the time. LOL
The hubby and I took the boy to the Science Museum for the Star Wars exhibit. Yes we are geeks and yes I love it!
But how could you not love Yoda!
We got to show the boy the mummy we remembered going to see since we were little kids
Every once in a while I come out from behind the camera.
The hubby and I went to Deadwood South Dakota for vacation this year. We both LOVE the show and thought it would be fantastic to visit the actual city. And I must say it was pretty fantastic!
Beautiful old houses ... a bit creepy but so is our house. LOL
We ate dinner in what used to be a whore house.
We hiked our butts up the side of a mountain to see this monument from Seth Bullock.
Damn right I got my fat ass up that mountain! And I am proud of it too!
It was a great trip and a wonderful way to celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary.
That's right boys and girls! We have been married for 2 years now. Well more then 2 by today and workin on 3 but you get the point.
Our biggest project had to be remodeling one of the bedrooms up stairs for the boy. Here is a before.
And of course the after.
The boy is very very happy.
As long as we keep the dogs from brawling on his bed anyway.
My baby Bobo turned 1 year old this year. So mister Bocephus is all grown up .... he he he ... ya right ... he is a male ... they never grow up!
Who me?
Sonny and Coco keep trucking along. They are both getting a little grey around the muzzle. But they keep kicking.
Spunky and poopy as ever!
This year we welcomed a new member into the kitty family. Which is good cause we were down to only 2 cats.
A hungry and lonely little kitten showed up in the pasture ... and then climbed up the hubby's leg. he he he ... why always the one who hates cats? So we took her in, fattened her up and convinced the other 2 cats that she wasn't all bad.
She can be really cute sometimes.
Until she realizes I have the camera out again. Oooops ... did I disturb your hair chewing session?
This have been good and bad. Happy and sad. Corny I know ... but sometimes life is just so dang corny you have to laugh! But at the end of the day I have my family. And I am forever grateful for that.
But DAMN I hope 2009 is all good!