I am a wife and a mother to 2 handsome boys and 2 beautiful girls living in the country.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Only little dogs allowed!
OK I am kidding ... sorta. For some reason lately it has been a shit fest in my house. I know that sounds harsh but so is poop clean up at 3 am. When your sick. And bending over to pick the poo up makes your congested and dizzy and almost pass out. Not fun!
I am not OK with tying Bocephus up outside. And once winter comes that will totally not be an option. If I were not afraid of Bo chewing off the leg of any one in the general area then I might just let him run free out side. Like Sonny does and like Patty and Blackie always did. I mean that is one of the benefits of living on a farm right? But I have a huge fear of him attacking the mail man or something. I could buy an out door kennel. But my hubby keeps pooping on that idea. $300 might be a darn good investment verses what ever a ticket costs when your dog goes all Cujo on the UPS guy. But what do I know? *eye roll*
All I know is I am done having dogs in the house. Once Bocephus and Sonny have passed and gone on to doggy heaven I will still have medium/large dogs. But they will be STRICTLY OUT DOOR DOGGERS! Small chihuahuas are still allowed. But they will be kenneled EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!
OK I think I am done complaining about the pooter ... for now.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Awful dreams
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sinus Infection
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Piggie Flu!!!
I have been sick for about a week now. Just a cold. Nothing serious. But unlike SOME people I work with I can not just call in sick. I actually have to find some one to cover my shift before I can stay home sick. Must be nice to be so pampered and favored by the boss lady to never have to cover your shift. ANYWAY I was sick all weekend. I just had to suck it up and suck down the Dayquil. BLAH! I feel mostly better now. A little sniffly still and coughing. But MUCH better then I was over the weekend.
Ethan complained about feeling ill but after a good nights sleep he says he is feeling better. Must also be nice to "get a good nights sleep" and suddenly feel better. UGH! But he said that Bryan had the sniffles. Geez! I am hoping and praying a lot that the sniffles are just the watered down version of what I have. Bryan has always been a healthy kid and fights off nasty bugs much better then I do. Plus since he knocked off his fingernail I have been making sure he takes his vitamin every single morning. So hopefully he will not and is not horribly sick.
So I broke out the cans of Lysol. I have sprayed every thing down. Probably to a fault. I have always had bottles of hand sanitizer around the house. Hand washing and hand sanitizer will be a MUST this flu season. I have a lot more deep cleaning that needs to be done. Break out the bleach!!! I have a small hand sanitizer bottle attached to my belt loop. I put one on his backpack. Hopefully he uses it and stays healthy.
I am going to go take my multi vitamin and try and get some sleep. If I can get the buggies off my brain. I have school in the morning. And to think I thought MY school was the one to worry about ...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hot flashes suck!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The fat lady sang.
I have 2 more rounds of Clomid left. The first round was wasted on a cycle with the cyst I didn't know about. The second one did not get me pregnant. So now I have 2 left. I have picked up the prescription and will start again on Thursday. I hope that it works this time. We still have plenty more options. The Clomid is just option one. So even if the next two rounds of Clomid fail to get me pregnant we still have more steps to take and more drugs to try. *sigh*
Then I started watching the Biggest Loser at work. And now I am watching the rest of it at home. I am tired of being fat. I worry I am hurting my chances of getting pregnant because of my weight or my eating habits or my lack of exercise. I am tired of being tired all the time. I am tired of having trouble to bend over to do simple things like tie my shoes. I can't do this anymore. I just can't. Things need to change. I need to change. I need to work harder at everything in my life. My job, my education, my home, being a wife and a mother to the one beautiful child that I do have. Something has to change ... I just don't know where to start ...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Hate the wait.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Going crazy already!!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Good and Bad Day
I am going to start with the good news because it is great. And the bad news is just a pain in my rear. LOL
So the good news is I am ovulating! Not only am I ovulating but I am doing it at a halfway decent time in my cycle! I am on CD 16 today. My average day of ovulation with out the Clomid was CD 24. So that is an improvement and it means the Clomid is doing what my RE wanted it to do. Hopefully that will improve the quality of my egg and get me good and knocked up. It was so nice this morning to see the +OPK and peak reading on my FM. WOOHOO! I do not work tonight so I even have time for nooky with the hubby! SWEET! Fingers crossed! My CM is a little dryer then normal. But the EWCM is still there. Just not in as vast quantities as in the past. I took some tussin to try and help with that for later tonight. he he he
The bad news is my back is KILLING ME! I woke up and my lower back was so stiff and so sore I could barely move. I am suppose to be in psychology class right now but I can't move. OK I can move but it is at a snails pace and with lots of swearing and heavy breathing. LOL I have no idea what I did. My back felt fine at 6am right before Ethan got up for work. Sometime between 6:30 - 8:30am when I got up for class my back went crazy on me! I took a hot shower/bath and that helped a little bit. I took some Advil and am sitting in the chair playing on the computer now. If it doesn't start feeling better soon I might just go lay back down in bed. I hate missing class but I knew I could not make it in today. I am so glad I don't work. It kind of puts a crimp in my grocery shopping day. But maybe I will feel better later. I am almost tempted to call my aunt and see if she has an opening for a massage today. But then I hate to bug her because she does daycare too. *sigh* I have no idea what I did but I hope I feel better soon. I have so much junk to get done today.