The hubby and I went to see Marley & Me last night. The boy had gone with my mom on Christmas day to see it. Lucky little bugger. So the hubby and I made it part of our date night last night. It was a really great movie. Even better then I expected it to be. Of course the ending was sad and I cried. But it was the middle that hit they hubby and I the hardest I think. Well it did for me anyway.
There is a scene where she is pregnant for the first time and they go in to the doctor for her first appointment. The tech does an ultrasound to see the baby and makes a strange face. I instantly thought to myself, "Oh shit ... I have seen that face before ... oh no ... I know what is about to happen." Sure enough the doctor comes in and looks for the baby but finds no heartbeat. My heart sank and I tried desperately not to start sobbing. The hubby must have felt me starting to tremble cause he took my hand in his and held it tightly. It was like some kind of horrid flash back. I felt like I was there again. For anyone who does not know our story, we pretty much had the exact same thing happen a year ago. I went in for my first appointment. Everything seemed fine and dandy. The doctor did an ultrasound and there just was no heartbeat. Our dream crumbled in a matter of seconds. The hubby tried to stay optimistic but I knew we were screwed. It was over before it barely began.
I am sure everyone else thought that saddest part was when Marley died. But that was easier to deal with then the miscarriage scene. Sorry if I gave away the ending. Like you didn't know he was going to die at the end anyway. LOL