I am a wife and a mother to 2 handsome boys and 2 beautiful girls living in the country.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I hope ....
I hope every one had a happy Thanksgiving and a great holiday weekend. I hope you all go to eat lots and lots of turkey and pumpkin pie and anything else that you love. I hope every one got to spend at least a little time with friends and family. I hope if you have a loved one who could not come home you at least got to talk to them. I hope that you are all happy and healthy and full!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I am .... the calf rescuer!
Where is my cape? Ok so maybe a cape would not be the best idea in the cow yard. My hubby trusted me enough to send me out to move the calves on my own today. I am moving up in the world! So anyway I usher the calves around the bunker and out towards the feed wagon. I was then suppose to put the fence in place and turn to juice on. Which always freaks me out because I have been shocked more then my fair share of the time. And it always sucks. So anyway I discover that once red calf is NOT moving along with the rest. And seems to be making no attempt what so ever to move away from the bunker. *sigh* Don't make trouble for me boy! So I get up close to him and realize ... his head is stuck! The hubby had put up some metal bars at the end of the bunker near the silo in what I assume was an attempt to keep the calves heads out of that area. Well it back fired and infact got a calf stuck there. he he he So anyway I climbed on up to help the poor little bugger out. I was pulling and pushing and twisting around ears like some kind of bizzare cow puzzle. But eventually the calf was freed and happy as all get out to run around again. I am just proud of myself for getting him out with out having to call my inlaws or something. Ya me!

Fear not little ones! The calf rescuer is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fear not little ones! The calf rescuer is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
I don't want to be bitter.
But some times it is hard. I was at "church" tonight for work. They mentioned that family "that has all the girls" and I cringed. God no ... don't say it ... please! "They just had another baby girl yesterday!!!" cheered the lady at the mic. UGH! Ummm ... GOD ... IS THIS THING ON?!?! I mean seriously is it REALLY necessary to kick me in the gut so often? So, ya, they now have 5 girls and 1 boy. 6 kids total. I looked back at my coworker and said " Would they please KNOCK IT OFF so the rest of us have a chance to procreate PLEASE!?" He just laughed. It was one of those laugh or cry moments. I fought back the tears and chose to laugh instead. *sigh* Is it really to much to see one of these again?
Finished Project!!!
Well we finally did it! For the most part anyway. Bryan's new bedroom upstairs is done! That is a huge wieght off my shoulders. He is VERY happy to have a brand new room upstairs and loves sleeping there. I was nervous at first. He has never slept on a totally different floor from me before. He is 10 years old now ... it might be time to cut the cord. LOL So anyway here are some pics of the room!

This is Bryan standing next to his "new" dresser. It is new to him but honestly ... the dresser itself is probably older then I am! LOL But it really makes the room feel more like a bedroom now.

Here is the closet now full of his clothes. That was probably the easiest part of the whole project. Throw it in a basket, carry it upstairs, hand on hangers and stick them in the closet. DONE! You can also see some of his toys. He is still going through his old room, picking out the toys he wants to keep, putting them in the totes that fit on the shelves and donating the rest. We even put a few pics of family on top of his closet. I hoped it would make the room feel more warm and family oriented ... plus it covers the left over paint can. he he he

This is Coco on his new bed. NO Coco it is not yours! Get off! Ya ... right ... good luck with that one Bry!

And of course Bo's happy face. He is glad it is done ... but mad he can't get to the boy at night. he he he

And as usual Mina says "Put the camera down and get me some kitty treats woman!!!"
This is Bryan standing next to his "new" dresser. It is new to him but honestly ... the dresser itself is probably older then I am! LOL But it really makes the room feel more like a bedroom now.
Here is the closet now full of his clothes. That was probably the easiest part of the whole project. Throw it in a basket, carry it upstairs, hand on hangers and stick them in the closet. DONE! You can also see some of his toys. He is still going through his old room, picking out the toys he wants to keep, putting them in the totes that fit on the shelves and donating the rest. We even put a few pics of family on top of his closet. I hoped it would make the room feel more warm and family oriented ... plus it covers the left over paint can. he he he
This is Coco on his new bed. NO Coco it is not yours! Get off! Ya ... right ... good luck with that one Bry!
And of course Bo's happy face. He is glad it is done ... but mad he can't get to the boy at night. he he he
And as usual Mina says "Put the camera down and get me some kitty treats woman!!!"
Do I have to?
Do I have to go out today? Do I really have to go to class? Isn't this class over yet? OY! It's cold out there ... and I don't wanna ... you can't make me ... FINE! I will go. Gotta get milk anyway ... maybe I will get some nice hot coffee while I am at it. Wish me luck!
Friday, November 21, 2008
bad dog ... BAD DOG!
I let the dogs out to go potty. For some strange reason Sonny decided to stay outside. It's 13 degrees ... why would you want to stay out there? So anyway Bo and Coco came back in. I gave them both a treat and went to find myself something to eat. When I came into the living room I saw Bo chewing on something kinda green ... and frozen ... with hay ... oh ... OH ... OH BAD! Bo had decided he wanted a cow patty to chew on in the house. He has a thing not only for cow poop but especially frozen cow poop. It's like some kind of disgusting popsicle for him. UGH! No you can not have it back. 
Go away! It's gone!

Oh that's real mature Bo!
Go away! It's gone!
Oh that's real mature Bo!
What makes you think we care?
I know there are some people who still like Rosie. I can't for the life of me understand why. She is loud and rude and self serving and will cut you down the second that you disagree with her. The woman is OFF HER ROCKER. I remember watching her when I was younger and she had that talk show. She was not my favorite person but I didn't mind watching her. But now her big fat trap never shuts up and there is NEVER anything nice coming out of it! It would be one thing to go on a rant every now and then. And I am all for being yourself and standing up for what you believe in. But there is a time to talk and a time to shut up. She has forgotten how to SHUT UP! There are a few morons who still give a crap about what she has to say. I don't see why but to each his own. I guess if you like getting yelled at for breathing the wrong way then go enjoy Rosie. I am gonna stay over here were life is much more peaceful and QUITE! NBC ... seriously ... why are you giving her another show? She will get big ratings at first. There are always people who will feel the need to tune in to listen to the nutcase vent. It can be entertaining every now and then. But after a while people will get bored of it and stop watching like they always do. I can not tell you how many times I avoided watching the View just because she was on it. So they are only hurting themselves. So ya my word to Rosie ... just a little advice ... SHUT UP! Nobody cares anymore because you are RUDE. Set a better example for your kids on how to be tolerant and work well with others. That is your job as a parent!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The silent cell phone ... or not
Since we live out in the country and don't use the phone line for our internet we have no land line. Both of us have our own cell phones and maybe some day if the boy is lucky we will give him one too. So anyway all calls come and go for me through my cell phone. I don't get very many calls. Infact I get a lot more text messages then I do phone calls. So anyway I noticed something today ... well I have been noticing this for a while now .... but I feel the need to bring it up today. So anyway why is it that when I am awake and doing things and ready to answer the phone not sound is made. But as soon as I lay down for a nap or even in the case of today before I even have a chance to get out of bed, my phone starts going off the hook. I had text messages from half the people I know. Then there were the phone calls ... from God only knows who ... but they called me today. All I wanted was a 45 minute nap before I had to go to work. But it turned into a 2 hour hair pulling ring fest! Every time I would settle down and start to drift off the damn phone would start ringing and beeping and vibrating all over the bed! And in the rare silence that I got from the phone I was stalked by a Mina! Yes I finally fell asleep and all was warm and cozy and good then ....

This was what I saw when I opened my eyes. *sigh* FINE I will get up. But don't ask anything special from me!
This was what I saw when I opened my eyes. *sigh* FINE I will get up. But don't ask anything special from me!
Remodeling the old farm house
So I thought I would share some pictures of the current remodel of our house. We picked the largest bedroom upstairs for my son to move into. He is 10 years old and it is time for him to have a room upstairs for privacy. Both for his benefit as well as our own. Last thing I want to hear during sex is my son rolling around and snoring in the next room. So my hubby and I chose to move him upstairs. Plus some day ... God willing ... we would like to turn the downstairs bedroom into a nursery. But that is a whole other post. So anyway here are some pics from the remodel!
The room as originally covered in horse hair plaster. Yes there is actually horse hair in our walls. LOL Some of the plaster on the ceiling had started to fall down. So we decided it would be easiest to just pull the plaster off the walls then try to patch them up. *sigh* It's so nice to be young and dumb isn't it?

So here is a picture of the room after the plaster had been pulled down. I wish I had a picture of the before but I didn't think of it until I was covered in dust and my arms ached from swinging the metal bat I used to pull it all down. Thanks for your help again Candace!
The next step was to clean up all that plaster off from the floor. Doesn't sound to bad but ya it sucked.

Also a special thanks to Taria and Aaron for all their dusty help!

A little primer goes a long way! The trim and the closet were painted white and the room instantly started to look better ... even with out walls.

So the walls went up.

And it finally started to look like a bedroom.

The dogs always feel the need to investigate.

Once the walls went up I got to put his bed up.

Which of course was instantly checked for safety by Bocephus. Has to make sure his boy is safe ya know!

I painted the trim and the closet and that chimney. The nice camo green matches the camo curtains.

As usual a bed brawl insued because you can't break a bed in with out a good bed brawl.

In the end the kid is happy and he now has a brand new room. And a huge bed all to himself. I am a little jealous ... I will admit it ... but only to you.
The room as originally covered in horse hair plaster. Yes there is actually horse hair in our walls. LOL Some of the plaster on the ceiling had started to fall down. So we decided it would be easiest to just pull the plaster off the walls then try to patch them up. *sigh* It's so nice to be young and dumb isn't it?
So here is a picture of the room after the plaster had been pulled down. I wish I had a picture of the before but I didn't think of it until I was covered in dust and my arms ached from swinging the metal bat I used to pull it all down. Thanks for your help again Candace!
The next step was to clean up all that plaster off from the floor. Doesn't sound to bad but ya it sucked.
Also a special thanks to Taria and Aaron for all their dusty help!
A little primer goes a long way! The trim and the closet were painted white and the room instantly started to look better ... even with out walls.
So the walls went up.
And it finally started to look like a bedroom.
The dogs always feel the need to investigate.
Once the walls went up I got to put his bed up.
Which of course was instantly checked for safety by Bocephus. Has to make sure his boy is safe ya know!
I painted the trim and the closet and that chimney. The nice camo green matches the camo curtains.
As usual a bed brawl insued because you can't break a bed in with out a good bed brawl.
In the end the kid is happy and he now has a brand new room. And a huge bed all to himself. I am a little jealous ... I will admit it ... but only to you.
Testing pictures
Ok call me crazy but I thought I better figure out how to post pictures to this blog. It sounds simple and all but every site has a different way of doing it. So let's give a few options a whirl and see what happens. So this should be a picture of me.

On a bloggin role!
Ok so I thought I better start with a starter post. It can't hurt to get a little somethin somethin out there. LOL
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